MoU Signing Ceremony between MPTC and MWA and between MPTC and MPWT
On February 8, 2024, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (MPTC), H.E. Mr. Chea Vandeth, Minister of MPTC and H.E. Mrs. Ung KanthaPhavi, Minister of Ministry of Women’s Affairs and H.E. Mr. Peng Por Nea, Minister of Public Works and Transportation has signed an MoU between MPTC and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and between MPTC and the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation. These MoUs focus on 3 main objectives: 1. the cooperation in launching the use of, 2. the preparation of infrastructure and internet connection, and 3. the training of digital skills for government officials. The signing ceremony was attended by ministry leaderships and government officials from all three ministries with a total around 200 participants.
MPTC would support MWA and MPWT in the internal digital transformation in accordance with the Cambodia Digital Government Policy 2022-2035 and Pentagon V of the Pentagonal Strategy Phase I, especially to provide convenience in public service provision to the public from MPWT and also promote the gender equality and women’s role in the digital sector of MWA. To date, MPTC has signed MoUs for the use of and the digitalization of administrative work and public service with 34 ministries and educational institutions as part of building the digital government and digital citizens in accordance with the government policies and strategies. is the government’s platform, developed by the MPTC, and is aimed at eliminating fraud documents, making it convenient to verify the authenticity of the document by using the standard QR Code on the document without requiring the legalization of the copied documents. Notably, has recently won the Gold Medal at the ASEAN Digital Awards 2024, which demonstrated the great achievement of MPTC in developing a digital solution that is acknowledged as the best digital solution on the international stage.